Türkçeden İngilizceye Çeviri Sonucu
tas Anlamı
- Tasmania.
- Abbreviation for Tropical Atlantic Study, a part of the TTO program.
- Tolerance Assessment System Source: US EPA. true airspeed.
- Toll Administration Subsystem.
- Tanzania Assistance Strategy.
- Tuition Assurance Scheme The objective of this scheme is to ensure that overseas students receive the education or training for which they have paid.
- Tasmania.
- Targeted Assistance School Title I programs providing supplementary services to eligible educationally disadvantaged students.
- Traceable author statement: Anything in a review article where the original experiments are traceable through that article, or in a textbook or dictionary [e g 'everybody' knows that enolase is a glycolytic enzyme].
- True Airspeed Rectified airspeed corrected for altitude and outside air temperature.
- True Air Speed.
- True Airspeed.
- porringer. bowl. stoup. vessel.
- To tassel.
- A heap.
- basin. bowl.
- bowl. vessel.